Friday, August 3, 2012

Technology Innovation Institute Services In Solano California, Etc.

Technology & Solano County Intellectual Property:
Solano Inventors ™
Solano Airport Tech Incubator ™
Solano Network ™
N.A.P.A. ™ also stands for New Adaptive Patentable Algorithms ™such as Solano Matrix ™and www.InventionCustomizer.Com adaptive electronics and business methods for Solano and Napa Counties. N.A.P.A. ™ can be without dots, and in upper lower casing, or all caps.
Technology Incubator Solano ™
Solano Electronics ™ (since around 2001)
Solano Electronics Incubator ™(SEI)
Solano Intellectual Property ™(SIP)
Solano IP ™
Solano Inventions ™
Solano Brainchild ™
Solano Inventors ™

S-O-L-A-N-O ™:
While perhaps interestingly over creative for some people, the term “S.O.L.A.N.O.” not only represents the county of Solano, but also: Springboard Office Leasing And New Organizations ™ such as which offers Solano County office space or Solano County Virtual Offices ™ for rent to budding startups from Vacaville, Fairfield and Vallejo.  S.O.L.A.N.O. ™ also stands for Sweetspot Operative Licensing Adaptive Network Organizer ™ that helps Solano County technology companies with the Adaptive Matrix ™ from www.InventionCustomizer.Com and the Solano County springboard for Fairfield, Vacaville, Vallejo and Napa County at www.InventionSpringboard.Com

Learn more about Technology Innovation Institute Services In Solano California 707 428-5000

Disclaimers & Errors:
• If there is an error with a Solano trademark, please fax to 707 427-6472.
• Intellectual property and general business warnings include:
• The trademarks are managed by the owners of Solano Incubator ™. Accidentally related Solano County or other trademarks are not associated with or endorsing these Solano County related T.M. marks.